Gavin Rodgers

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Pic shows: Polish national Pawel Relowicz<br />
On trial for the murder of `Libby Squires at Sheffield Crown Court today<br />
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seen here with wife Jagoda (and son)<br />
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Police investigating the disappearance of Hull University student, Libby Squires, have arrested a 24-year-old Polish father of two on suspicion of abduction.<br />
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Paweł Rełowicz, who works as a butcher in Malton, North Yorkshire, was detained at his rented home in Raglan Street, Hull late on Wednesday night.<br />
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Mr Relowicz, who has been in the UK since 2014, lives with his wife, their two-year-old son and three month old baby.<br />
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The family live in a smart terraced house just a few minutes away from where Miss Squire, 21, was last seen sitting on a bench just before midnight last Thursday.<br />
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